In the past months, I’ve been working with the vernacular of “the swarm”. Swarms are self-organizing systems and can be associated with multiple species, most commonly flying insects. For this body of work, I’m interested in the idea of a multitude of interacting elements that coalesce around a collective behavior or gesture. My collages merge familiar components that may or may not be immediately related. Using a copier, I mass produce each element, adjusting scale and color temperature. The parts are cut and layered repeatedly to create a sense of sameness and wholeness. The visual elements are present but their identity is diluted. These works reflect the constant influx of cultural signifiers, both historical and current, and the potential vagueness of how information ultimately settles on the individual digesting it.
I hope to allude to what is symbolically put into the human container and how it might become integrated or not. Like cells reproducing, the components exist in multiple copied forms which are then altered (in scale, color, medium) to illustrate different possibilities for representation. This work reflects the constant influx of cultural signifiers, both historical and current, and the fuzzy vagueness of how information ultimately settles on the consumer.